"The opposite of depression is not happiness, but vitality, and it was vitality that seemed to seep away from me in that moment." In a talk equal parts eloquent and devastating, writer Andrew Solomon takes you to the darkest corners of his mind during the years he battled depression. - TED TALK
Instructor: Hyesung Park 
Design and Animation: Yumin Kwon
Voice Over/ Script 
Depression, The Secret We Share
from TED Talk by Andrew Solomon, writer 

"It's a sensation of being afraid all the time but not even knowing what it is that you’re afraid of. And it was at that point that I began to think that it was just too painful to be alive. You don’t think in depression that you've put on a gray veil and are seeing the world through the haze of a bad mood. You think that the veil has been taken away, the veil of happiness, and that now you're seeing truly. But the truth lies. There was something at the other end that was worth living for. And the other was that I had access to good treatments. Shutting out depression strengthens it. While you hide from it, it grows. And the people who do better are the ones who are able to tolerate the fact that they have this condition. Those who can tolerate their depression are the ones who achieve resilience. I've found a way to love my depression. I love it because each day I decide against the moment of reason, to cleave to the reasons for living. And that, I think, is a highly privileged rapture."
Animation Process 
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